Homework and Reading
Homework is important in developing and understanding children's understanding away from school. Practising skills learnt in school is an excellent way to really embed those concepts and it will also involve your understanding of what and how we are teaching in school.
We expect all children to complete homework that is in line with their age and stage. Some homework will be specific learning tasks, along with other homeworks that build an accumulation of knowledge like phonics, spellings and times tables practice.
Some of the homework set can be accessed via online platforms such as Mathletics and Times tables Rock Stars. It is essential that all children read at home at least 3 times a week to practise and support the reading they do in school. Your support with this is key to your child's academic progress.
There are also many other ways you can support your child through a range of activities you can do at home which make learning real life and fun e.g. measuring during cooking, writing thank-you cards or sending postcards, visiting museums and places of interest and teaching them to tell the time etc.
It is also very important that children have time away from school to join clubs, take part in sport, relax and play.