Constructive Feedback
Everyone wants to ensure that each child is happy and successful in school and we want to work with you to achieve this. Receiving constructive feedback, both about positive experiences and less positive ones is a helpful way for us to be able to hear what we are doing well, or address general ideas which may need further consideration. For these more general ideas, please do email us using the email address.
Opportunities to feedback
As well as the general email channel stated above, we offer the following areas to seek your views and ideas through the year.
- SEND Parent coffee mornings
- Parent consultation evenings
- Annaul Parent Survey
- Open door policy to see teachers or headteacher
What to do if you have a concern
It is really important that you let us know if you are concerned about your child or our provision using the following structure:
1. Speak with the class teacher
In the first instance it is always best to discuss concerns with your child's teacher. The class teacher will always know your child well and will usually be able to help solve most problems or concerns. Parents' Evenings are a good opportunity to talk through things, but if there is something that you feel we should know about more urgently then do make an appointment to talk with the teacher or ask if the teacher can phone you. The best way to do this is to email the school to ask for a conversation. Teachers are very busy settling classes at the beginning of each day, so phone calls at the end of the day are best
2. Senior Leadership Team
If, once you have spoken with the class teacher, you still have concerns then please make an appointment to talk with our Deputy Headteacher Mr Luxton, or myself. This can be arranged by contacting the school office.
3. Complaints Policy
Further information about concerns can be found by clicking here This will lead to the Lighthouse Schools Partnership Complaints Policy (all schools in the Multi-Academy Trust share the same Complaints Policy).